Publications tagged with region:



Policy Brief. Challenges and Opportunities for Blended Finance in European Energy Development Cooperation

This brief reviews two complementary spheres of international cooperation, in which blended finance, a mechanism to support investments to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, is predominantly used. First, in international climate finance, second, in official development assistance, and the related blended finance facilities within the EU, also referencing the rationale and challenges for blended finance and lesson learned.

Policy Brief. Challenges and Opportunities for Blended Finance in European Energy Development Cooperation

This brief reviews two complementary spheres of international cooperation, in which blended finance, a mechanism to support investments to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, is predominantly used. First, in international climate finance, second, in official development assistance, and the related blended finance facilities within the EU, also referencing the rationale and challenges for blended finance and lesson learned.


Policy Brief. Latest Insights into Europe’s International Energy Development Cooperation Portfolio

The policy brief gives an update on the European Union’s action in development cooperation, especially regarding the portfolio on development assistance in the energy sector and support for SDG7.

Policy Brief. Latest Insights into Europe’s International Energy Development Cooperation Portfolio

The policy brief gives an update on the European Union’s action in development cooperation, especially regarding the portfolio on development assistance in the energy sector and support for SDG7.


Policy Brief. The Role of Energy in National Determined Contributions

The policy brief illustrates the relation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the main instruments put forward by countries to deliver on the promise of the Paris Agreement, and the energy sector, especially the challenges for the energy sector reform regarding NDC implementation, and energy development cooperation to support NDCs and Europe’s contribution.

Instrument: AEEP, GET.invest, GET.transform
Region: Europe, Global

Policy Brief. The Role of Energy in National Determined Contributions

The policy brief illustrates the relation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the main instruments put forward by countries to deliver on the promise of the Paris Agreement, and the energy sector, especially the challenges for the energy sector reform regarding NDC implementation, and energy development cooperation to support NDCs and Europe’s contribution.

Instrument: AEEP, GET.invest, GET.transform
Region: Europe, Global

The European Portfolio on Energy in International Development Cooperation

This report provides an overview of the European portfolio on energy in international development cooperation, covering support from the European Institutions and EU Member States. This will serve as a baseline of European energy Official Development Assistance (ODA) before 2015, against which to monitor European contributions towards SDG7 achievements by 2030. Additionally, a web-based inventory of EU activities is proposed.

The European Portfolio on Energy in International Development Cooperation

This report provides an overview of the European portfolio on energy in international development cooperation, covering support from the European Institutions and EU Member States. This will serve as a baseline of European energy Official Development Assistance (ODA) before 2015, against which to monitor European contributions towards SDG7 achievements by 2030. Additionally, a web-based inventory of EU activities is proposed.


Higher Education for Renewable Energy in Africa. Focussing on Master Education

This study commissioned by the RECP proposes a number of short-term and long-term activities to support higher education institutions in sub-Saharan Africa in order to strengthen their activities for renewable energy education and, in addition, provides corresponding selection criteria. It is targeted at African and European academic institutions as well as development organizations.

Instrument: GET.invest
Region: Africa, Europe

Higher Education for Renewable Energy in Africa. Focussing on Master Education

This study commissioned by the RECP proposes a number of short-term and long-term activities to support higher education institutions in sub-Saharan Africa in order to strengthen their activities for renewable energy education and, in addition, provides corresponding selection criteria. It is targeted at African and European academic institutions as well as development organizations.

Instrument: GET.invest
Region: Africa, Europe

eLearning for Renewable Energy Higher Education in Africa: Role, Potential and Outlook

The study focuses on the role of educational technology and its potential to enhance and strengthen higher education in the field of renewable energy in Africa. Activities and impact from organizations in the sphere of eLearning with a focus on renewable energy education are elaborated. Thus, face-to-face and eLearning programs for renewable energy in Africa and Europe are presented.

Instrument: AEEP, GET.invest
Region: Africa, Europe
Topic: Digitalisation

eLearning for Renewable Energy Higher Education in Africa: Role, Potential and Outlook

The study focuses on the role of educational technology and its potential to enhance and strengthen higher education in the field of renewable energy in Africa. Activities and impact from organizations in the sphere of eLearning with a focus on renewable energy education are elaborated. Thus, face-to-face and eLearning programs for renewable energy in Africa and Europe are presented.

Instrument: AEEP, GET.invest
Region: Africa, Europe
Topic: Digitalisation

Best Practices & Key Recommendations from Young Leaders in Energy Access

The publication summarises some of the best practices learnt from the work of the six Young Leaders from the Energy Access work stream of the AEEP and presents recommendations to the public sector on how to facilitate and encourage youth entrepreneurship and involvement in clean energy access the publication also presents recommendations for other young African & European leaders.

Instrument: AEEP
Region: Africa, Europe
Topic: Energy Access

Best Practices & Key Recommendations from Young Leaders in Energy Access

The publication summarises some of the best practices learnt from the work of the six Young Leaders from the Energy Access work stream of the AEEP and presents recommendations to the public sector on how to facilitate and encourage youth entrepreneurship and involvement in clean energy access the publication also presents recommendations for other young African & European leaders.

Instrument: AEEP
Region: Africa, Europe
Topic: Energy Access

10 Years of Successful Cooperation. The Africa-EU Energy Partnership

The report gives an overview over the work of the AEEP over ten years, illustrating achieved milestones, established joint initiatives, coordination and harmonization of efforts, involvement of stakeholders, and lastly future opportunities for the Partnership.

Instrument: AEEP
Region: Africa, Europe

10 Years of Successful Cooperation. The Africa-EU Energy Partnership

The report gives an overview over the work of the AEEP over ten years, illustrating achieved milestones, established joint initiatives, coordination and harmonization of efforts, involvement of stakeholders, and lastly future opportunities for the Partnership.

Instrument: AEEP
Region: Africa, Europe

Ten Years of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership. Status Report 2017-18 and future perspectives

Ten years after the AEEP’s creation, this Status Report provides an update on the progress made towards achieving the Partnership’s 2020 Political Targets, but also to point the way ahead for a genuine Partnership that has exhibited considerable resilience in meeting the challenges posed by improving levels of energy access, efficiency and security.

Instrument: AEEP
Region: Africa, Europe

Ten Years of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership. Status Report 2017-18 and future perspectives

Ten years after the AEEP’s creation, this Status Report provides an update on the progress made towards achieving the Partnership’s 2020 Political Targets, but also to point the way ahead for a genuine Partnership that has exhibited considerable resilience in meeting the challenges posed by improving levels of energy access, efficiency and security.

Instrument: AEEP
Region: Africa, Europe

Impressions from the second stakeholder forum

The AEEP welcomed over 400 participants from more than 62 countries including African Ministers, AU and EU commissioners, and representatives from the private sector, civil society, and academia to its Second Stakeholder Forum. Challenges and opportunities in the sustainable energy sector in Europe and Africa were discussed, including human capital for innovation, skills and capacity development and investment in infrastructure.

Instrument: AEEP
Region: Africa, Europe

Impressions from the second stakeholder forum

The AEEP welcomed over 400 participants from more than 62 countries including African Ministers, AU and EU commissioners, and representatives from the private sector, civil society, and academia to its Second Stakeholder Forum. Challenges and opportunities in the sustainable energy sector in Europe and Africa were discussed, including human capital for innovation, skills and capacity development and investment in infrastructure.

Instrument: AEEP
Region: Africa, Europe